Sunday, July 17, 2011

Beast Feeding

Women's health
1. Breast Feeding,
2. Breast Feeding - Insufficient Milk
3. Breast Feeding - Compare Breast Milk and Formula
4. Plugged Duct
5. Thrush ( Baby's Oral Candida Infection)
6. Mastitis

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Most babies were born with a sucking reflex to suck and swallow milk. Breast feeding is one of older form of feeding to the baby directed from the mother breast long before the invention of formula and cow milk. Many studies have proven that the mother milk is one of most nutrients and beneficial to the mother as well as the baby, such as protecting the baby from cold and infection and the mother from certain diseases and cancer, etc. according to The World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Types of breast feeding position
There are many types of nursing position, mom should adjust until the baby find the most suitable to him/her
1. Cradle hold position
This is one of popular position to feed you baby and most babies like it as it allows mom to hold the baby closely, support their little bodies and see how well the baby is doing.
2. Cross cradle hold position
Similar to the cradle hold position, but in cross cradle hold position, mom have hands free to assist the baby in feeding, by holding to the baby's head and the breast.
3. Clutch position
It is the best position if mom just had a cesarean section delivery as it does not put any pressure to the abdomen or mom has the enlarged breasts.
4. Side Lying Position
Both mom and baby lie on the bed or flood on their side with putting any pressure to the admen. the position is recommended for mom with cesarean section delivery.
5. Saddle Hold
the baby is sitting up while feeding. Most baby like it when they have a cold or stuffy nose.
6. Etc.

How do you know the baby is eating enough
The simple question which has been asked over thousand of years, here are some suggestion from conventional medicine experts
1. Is your child gaining weigh
The baby weigh gaining chart will be helpful. steady weight gaining is the reliable indication that your baby is well fed
2. How many time the baby feed every day
In general, most baby feed about 8-12 time a day and separated by about 2-5 hours apart.
3. Sign of swallowing
if you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of gulping.
4. How many diapers a day
most well fed baby have 6-8 diaper with bowel movement at least 3 times a day.
5. Breast feeling
If the baby is feeding OK, the baby will not pinch or bite onto your nipple, otherwise, it is an indication of some problems of your baby feeding.
6. Etc.

Nutrients in the breast milk
Breast milk is one of the baby drinks in the world produced by a mother.
After birth, due to hormone change or the natural selection for the best to the survival of human being, the mother starts to produce plentiful amounts of milk as colostrum gradually changes into mature milk to feed the hungry babe. Breast milk contains fat, proteins, lactose, vitamins, minerals, water, etc.
1. Protein
Protein is less in human milk if compared to other animal milk but exclusively for the feeding of human baby and necessary for the development of the brain to adapt to the complicating learning and social skills when he/she grows into adulthood. Researcher found that amino acid, taurine is abundant in the human milk than other mammals, that may be the the reason made us instinctively difference than other in the same spices.

2. Fat
Fat is important to provide a lot of energy for the rapid growth of the baby. It is necessary for the baby to gain a certain amount of weight for lessening the risk of diseases or provide the capacity for the near future learning. Unlike the fat in other mammals, fat in the mother milk is made to be absorbed easily, because of the immature of the digestive system, as the milk contains an enzyme, lipase, which is important to break down the fat to smaller globules.

3. Vitamin A
It is important for the eye, baby growth and body tissue repair, it is high in the high in colostrum and lessen in the milk.

4. Vitamin B complex
Vitamin B complex containing in the breast milk is important to help the baby in carbohydrate and protein metabolism, synthesis of DNA, nerve tissue metabolism, formation of antibodies, blood cell formation, etc.

5. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is vital to help the baby in wound healing, collagen maintenance and protection against infection and inflammation.

6. Vitamin D
In some studies, researcher found that mother's milk does not have enough vitamin D. But this seems not to be the fault of breast milk per se, but instead is caused by the mother not having sufficient levels of vitamin D. In other words, moms are deficient too, and that is why breast milk has low levels of vitamin D!. Make sure you either take sometime into the sun or take some vitamin D supplement, if you are vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is important to build healthy bones and teeth for your baby.

7. Vitamin K
Vitamin K is important for the baby to prevent hemmorhagic disease. Initially, the newborn has very little vitamin K in the body due to vitamin K can not cross over to the baby via placenta. In the first few weeks, the baby can not make vitamin K of it own because of not enough normal gut bacteria.

8. Iron
It is less in the breast milk, but the baby was born with 6 months of iron storing. Iron is vital for your bay to build red blood cells, which are important for the transporting of oxygen around the body and the development of nervous system.

9. Zinc
It is important to maintain the metabolism, cell growth and division, and proper immune response.

10. Selenium
It is one of the important of trace mineral in protecting the baby from damage of free radicals and information of the teeth.

11. Other minerals such as calcium, phosphorus although present with lesser amounts, but are easily absorbed by the baby digestive system.

12. Etc.

Benefit to the baby
1. Breastfeeding prevents obesity.
In a study of "Breast feeding and obesity: cross sectional study" by Rüdiger von Kries, professor of paediatrics,a Berthold Koletzko, professor of paediatrics,b Thorsten Sauerwald, senior house officer,b Erika von Mutius, reader in paediatrics,b Dietmar Barnert, statistician,a Veit Grunert, statistician,a and Hubertus von Voss, professor of paediatricsa, researcher found that in industrialised countries promoting prolonged breast feeding may help decrease the prevalence of obesity in childhood. Since obese children have a high risk of becoming obese adults, such preventive measures may eventually result in a reduction in the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and other diseases related to obesity.

2. Better teeth.
According to a Johns Hopkins School of Public Health study, Infants who are breast-fed tend to have straighter teeth.

3. Lowered risk of heart disease.According to (HealthScout) UPDATED 2009-12-21, researcherfound that women who breast-feed may be helping both their babies and their own heart-health.

4. Lowered risk of juvenile diabetes.
In a study in comparing the compared the data from 517 children in southeastern Sweden and 286 children in Lithuania who had been newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes with children without diabetes. The children ranged in age from 0 to 15, researchers found that found that postponing new foods and cow’s milk seemed to be protective against the development of type 1 diabetes.

5. Reduced risk of asthma and allergy
In study involving participants followed from birth through their teens, whose lung function was tested at age 11 and again at age 16. researchers found that children born to mothers without asthma or those who were predisposed to develop allergies had improved lung function when they had been breastfed for four months or longer.

6. Etc.
Benefit to the mother
1. Reduce the risk of heart diseases
In a study of 300 women, scientists found that women who breast-fed their babies were less likely to have plaque in their coronary artery, aorta, and carotid artery later in life than women who did not breast-feed, according to the report of (HealthScout) UPDATED 2009-12-21.

2. Reduced risk of breast cancer
According to the Fact Sheet #29, May 1999 of Cornall University Breast-feeding may modestly reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Out of 31 studies, more than half reported that women who breast-fed had a decreased risk of developing breast cancer (ranging from 10%-64%) compared to women who never breast-fed. The rest of the studies reported that breast-feeding had no influence on the risk of developing breast cancer.

3. Reduced risk of ovarian cancer
In study of Breastfeeding and risk of ovarian cancer in two prospective cohorts by Danforth KN, Tworoger SS, Hecht JL, Rosner BA, Colditz GA, Hankinson SE., researchers found that These data support a linear inverse association between breastfeeding and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer.

4. Reduced risk osteoporosis in elder women
A 1990-91 study of Sydney women aged 65 years and over suggested that breastfeeding protected against hip fracture in old age, with a dose-response relationship between average duration of breastfeeding per child and risk of hip fracture., according to the article of Breastfeeding Reduces the Chance of Osteoporosis from

5. Promotes weight loss.
A study of Breastfeeding reduces maternal lower body fat by Kramer, F., published in the Journal of American Dietician Associationresearchers found that Mothers who breastfed exclusively or partially had significantly larger reductions in hip circumference and were less above their prepregnancy weights at 1 month postpartum than mothers who fed formula exclusively.

6. Etc.

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